Research Projects

Call for Proposals for Research Project at RCNP

This is a call for proposals and letters of intent (LOIs) for research projects on the International Joint Usage/Research Program at Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP). Researches which can generate scientific outputs of high impact in 2 to 6 years are expected. The proposals and LOIs may be submitted at any time. They are reviewed in the Physics Program Advisory Committee (P-PAC) meeting or in sub-committees appointed by P-PAC. The proposals and LOIs submitted 1 month prior to the P-PAC meeting are reviewed in it. The nearest due-date for the submission is the end of July 2021 because the next P-PAC meeting is scheduled in the end of August or in September 2021.

Categories of the project

We offer two categories for the research projects which fulfill the following criteria:

Category I

Description: The researches which comply with one or some of following conditions:

Researches which effectively utilize existing resources of RCNP including equipment and facilities

Researches which improve the functions of existing resources of RCNP and utilize them for the accomplishment of their measurements

Researches which aim for the systematic measurements with long-term occupancy of the beamlines or more than two years of working period

Period: 4 years at the longest

Spokespersons: researchers whose affiliation is not RCNP. The collaborations need in-house contact persons who belong to RCNP.

Category II

Description: The middle- or long-term researches in a larger scale than Category I which comply with one or some of following conditions:

Researches which effectively utilize existing resources of RCNP including equipment and facilities

Researches which improve the functions of existing resources of RCNP and utilize them for the accomplishment of their measurements

The large-scale researches which can be one of the main future programs of RCNP. In this case, the utilization of the resources of RCNP is not necessary.

Period: 6 years at the longest

Spokesperson: researchers’ affiliations are not taken into consideration. In-house contact persons are not required in the collaboration; they are designated after the acceptance of the LOIs.

Reviewing and excution process

1. The spokespersons submit their proposals to RCNP.

2. P-PAC or a sub-committee which includes experts of the research field appointed by P-PAC reviews the proposals.

3. The spokespersons or representatives of the collaborations are asked for oral presentations at the reviewing committee if needed.

4. The spokespersons start the research in cooperation with RCNP if their proposals are accepted.

5. The spokespersons or representatives of the collaboration are asked for the report of the present statuses to be reviewed at the P-PAC meeting 2 years after starting their projects.

6. P-PAC advises the project’s revised plan if necessary.

Reviewing and excution process

1. The spokespersons submit LOIs to RCNP.

2. A committee which includes experts of the research field appointed by P-PAC reviews the proposal.

3. After their LOIs are accepted, the spokespersons write project plans including budget plans in cooperation with in-house contact persons from RCNP. The director of RCNP designates in-house contact persons if no one from RCNP is in the collaborations.

4. P-PAC reviews the project plans.

5. The spokespersons start the research in cooperation with RCNP if their project plans are accepted.

6. The spokespersons or representatives of the collaboration are asked for the report of the present statuses to be reviewed at the P-PAC meeting 3 years after starting their projects.

7. The spokespersons who do not already have the budget at the acceptance of the project plans should find the funding source. If they cannot find any budget in two years after starting their projects, they must report the status at the P-PAC meeting and be reviewed. P-PAC advises the modification of the project plans or stops the execution of the projects. P-PAC fixes timings of the next reviews if continuation of their projects is accepted.





In both categories, the financial supports from RCNP are limited, thus having or finding their own funding source is strongly requested for the execution of the research projects.

The proposals of the Category I projects are reviewed twice a year. The LOIs and the research plans of the Category II projects are reviewed once a year. The director of RCNP might approve the extensions of the projects under the results of the reviews and discussions by P-PAC.

Results and Acknowledgement

The results of collaborations must be reported in the form of journal papers, conference talks, or by one of publicizing methods. In any of these materials, please acknowledge that the work has been supported by this project with the following sentence: “This work was partly supported by the RCNP International Joint Research Program as the project number KKProject-###.


The address for submitting a proposal and LOI is shown below. Electric submission is strongly recommended. Proposals should be sent to the director of RCNP with "Research Projects" clearly written on the envelope if it is sent by postal mail.

Director Takashi Nakano

Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP), Osaka University,

10-1 Mihogaoka Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0047, Japan

FAX: +81-6-6879-8899

Tel: +81-6-6879-8900

Email: director{at}

Please contact RCNP Users’ Office by email to for detail.

Takashi Nakano

Director of RCNP

Osaka University

Approved Projects